Crucifix Jesus

St. Joseph Society

​St. Joseph Society was founded in 1976 and currently has over ninety members. Following St. Joseph as the patron at our time of death, we aim to lead a charitable live till the end of our lives. Our activities include:

  1. Hold mass for our deceased members and ancestors.
  2. Hold the Autumn Memorial mass and activities every year.
  3. Hold celebrating lunch/dinner on major festivals.
  4. Participate in all parish activitie

In the Holy Bible, St. Joseph was a very quiet man; he listened and did not talk back and never complained. In the Old Testament, God always sent prophets and angels to make known of His orders. When Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, angel Gabriel appeared to her and asked for her concurrence. But for St. Joseph, it was only in his dreams that he was visited by angels: the first time was to marry Mary who had conceived Jesus (Matthew 1:21-22); the second time was to take Jesus and His mother and escape to Egypt for king Herod was going to search for the child to kill him (Matthew 1:13); the third time was to take Jesus and His mother back to Israel after king Herod died (Matthew 2:19). Being waken up in his sleep and was told of these urgent matters, if St. Joseph questioned these orders or was slow to act, Jesus would not be able to grow up and complete His work; either May was stoned to death while carrying Jesus or Jesus was killed soon after His birth. The plan of God to save the human kind was all hinged on St. Joseph and his decisions.

St. Joseph had made his living doing woodwork, supporting his family of three with his meager income; an honest and faithful carpenter, in the wish of God to save the human kind, St. Joseph had complete his mission from God. The Roman Catholic Church honors St. Joseph as the patron at the time of death, we can all imagine: this carpenter who work hard all his life and after he exhausted his life energy, sick in bed, waiting for death to come, but at his bedside, there were the Son of God Jesus - the living God on earth, and the Mother of God Mary, who were soon becoming orphan and widow, waiting on him at his bedside, accompanied him at his time of death. On earth which other saint could receive such grace? Who else could have the living God on earth and the Mother of God at his bedside at his time of death? In heaven, what reward was given to this mortal, who had taken the place of the Holy Father and looked after the Son of God.