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Updates Guidelines At Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Church/嘉模堂更新防疫指引/嘉模堂更新防疫指引 (04/21/2024)
Updates Prevention Guidelines at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on April 21/2024 Ontario Public Health has...
Rollup with Crucfix
Rollup with Crucfix
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church needs your support
Our parish relies on the support of our parishioners. Parish's ongoing operating costs (heating, water, electricity, etc...
Ontario Provincial Election – Resources for the Catholic Community
As Ontarians prepare for a provincial election on February 27, 2025, Catholics are encouraged to both vote as...
election graphic
Sacred Fire Stories
Sacred Fire Stories from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
The following press release is from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, established to accept donations from 73 Catholic dioceses...

Blessings and Calamites in the Eyes of Jesus - Retreat
Fr. Feng on line retreat "Blessings and Calamities in the Eyes of Jesus". He will lead us to meditate in two parts : The 8 Blessings and the 16 Calamities (Mandarin)
Visit Us
202 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1V4

Office/Mailing Address
202 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1V4

t:  416.598.3920

Rev. John Erhui Feng

Parish Staff
Sister Teresa Li
RCIA Cantonese Speaking ​Co-ordinator

Mary Hua Juan Yu
Pastoral Assistant