Memorial Chapel

Memorial Chapel

Memorial Chapel

The soul is immortal, human death is separation of soul and body, the body returns to earth , the soul  returns to heaven ----- soul is in the image of God.  In this, our ancestors are still alive, their spirits are not dead and their merits are still here. Descendants tend to hold on to something to enable them  to remember their ancestors. In filial piety and due diligence of the forth commandment --- "honor your father and mother" in the life after death, Memorial Chapel is a place which may be use it as a shrine to remember our ancestors. In each Sunday's mass, we will pray for them. "Memorial Chapel" regularly holds masses for the ancestors which is a great benefit for their souls. For inquiry to set up a memorial plaque for your ancestors in the Memorial Chapel, please contact Fr. John Feng for details.


灵魂不死不灭。 人死只是灵肉分离,肉体归土,灵魂归天 ----- 灵魂是天主的肖像。 本此,我们的先人仍然活着,他们的精神不死,他们的功德仍在,孝子贤孙往往有睹物思容,怀念思德而会念先人启后之功的感慨。 为使大家能追念先人,尽点孝道及克尽第四诫---【孝敬父母】在生时也在死后的本份。 堂区特设置【天寿堂】一所,以作恭奉及追念先人之用。 每主日弥撒中会为他们祈祷。 同时,在【天寿堂】内经常都会举行弥撒,对先人来说,会有极大裨益。 有意供奉先祖灵位者,请与堂区主任冯二会神父查询。


靈魂不死不滅。人死只是靈肉分離,肉體歸土,靈魂歸天 ----- 靈魂是天主的肖像。本此,我們的先人仍然活著,他們的精神不死,他們的功德仍在,孝子賢孫往往有睹物思容,懷念思德而會念先人啟後之功的感慨。為使大家能追念先人,盡點孝道及克盡第四誡---【孝敬父母】在生時也在死後的本份。堂區特設置【天壽堂】一所,以作恭奉及追念先人之用。每主日彌撒中會為他們祈禱。同時,在【天壽堂】內經常都會舉行彌撒,對先人來說,會有極大裨益。有意供奉先祖靈位者,請與堂區主任馮二會神父查詢。​