OLMC Outside and Status

Parish Information

Region: Central - Zone: Downtown (1)

Parish Boundaries:
North: Divided by a line formed by the Don Valley Parkway, Highways 401, 400, 93 and 27, the territory of the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel shall be the western half of the Archdiocese.
Visit Us
202 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1V4

Office/Mailing Address
202 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1V4

t:  416.598.3920
e olmountcarmel@archtoronto.org

Placeholder (Story)

Rev. John Erhui Feng

Parish Staff
Sister Teresa Li
RCIA Cantonese Speaking ​Co-ordinator

Mary Hua Juan Yu
Pastoral Assistant

Placeholder (Rollup)
Mass Schedule
2:30 PM (Mandarin)

11:00 AM (Cantonese)

11:00 AM (Cantonese)

11:00 AM (Cantonese)
2:30 PM (Mandarin)

First Sunday
12:45 PM (English)
(Mass held in the main church.)

Third Sunday
12:45 PM (English)
(Mass held in the main church.)